What are the applicable scope of terracotta curtain wall

What are the applicable scope of terracotta curtain wall

Ceramic board is a new type of material in the history of world architecture and the application of traditional materials in modern architecture. It combines traditional materials with modern architecture, and updates the architectural language. The clay material contains thousands of years of ancient Chinese traditional culture. Replacing traditional materials with modern materials is indeed the progress of human civilization. It is not only the use of modern architectural language to express the history of inheriting traditional culture. What really arouses people's sense of history is not to imitate the simple style, but to pursue its historical authenticity, which inspires the resonance of traditional culture. Therefore, architects are willing to use traditional materials to express things and provide references for architecture. Terracotta curtain wall is an opaque curtain wall, similar to a stone curtain wall. Because ceramic board is an environmentally friendly material, it is non-radiative, rich in color, natural surface texture, classic and simple, can be soundproof, reduce noise, and improve the economy and comfort of building use. Commercial buildings, office buildings, theaters, stadiums and residential buildings.

The effects of terracotta curtain wall are various. Like the metal plate curtain wall, ceramic plates also rely on blank production to complete various shapes. Therefore, exterior wall decoration is not limited to the overall curtain wall, but also includes grilles, pottery sticks, pottery tubes, shutters, etc.
Composite curtain wall is also called double-layer curtain wall. It consists of outer curtain wall (glass curtain wall), inner curtain wall (terracotta curtain wall) and air circulation decoration. Realize the design concept of energy saving and environmental protection. At the same time, it also reflects the perspective effect of the glass curtain wall and the decorative effect of the ceramic plate.

Due to its environmental protection, non-radiation, rich color, natural texture, sound insulation and noise reduction, and convenient construction, ceramic plates can also be used for building interior decoration curtain walls. For example, building venues, hotels, theaters, exhibition halls, public places, etc. are also mostly used for indoor office environment decoration.
The unique humanistic and artistic atmosphere, colors, environmental protection materials, energy saving and noise resistance of ceramic plates reflect the integration of decorative materials and nature in interior decoration and other applications, making people's work and life activities more colorful.