The sales of large sized terracotta panels are different from traditional terracotta panels

The sales of large sized terracotta panels are different from traditional terracotta panels

According to the feedback from the surveyed dealers, the sales of large sized terracotta panels are different from traditional terracotta panels. Consumers who purchase it will require delivery, and most require packaging. First of all, the transportation and handling of large sized terracotta panels is very difficult. It is easy to break during transportation. In order to prevent damage, it is necessary to hit the wooden frame, which greatly increases the packaging cost. Vertical transportation is extremely complicated (ceramic plates can not enter the elevator beyond certain specifications, and can only be accessed from the balcony by means of lifts, lifting platforms and cranes. Moving it indoors, the cost is greatly increased. More importantly, the difficulty of paving large sized terracotta panels is also very difficult. On the one hand, it is difficult to find experienced pavers; on the other hand, the cost per square meter is several times that of traditional terracotta panels.

    A dealer told Togen that since large sized terracotta panels are easily damaged during transportation, and the price is high, consumers attach great importance to unboxing. Almost all consumers will require that the seller (dealer or its employees), the contractor (decorator or designer, etc.) must be present at the same time when unpacking, so as to avoid damage to the terracotta large panels, but it is not clear. The responsibility of one party does not know which party should bear the compensation. This kind of scene is quite interesting to imagine: three people stand around a pile of large sized terracotta panels that have been out of the box. They are like three swordsmen or swordsmen who are preparing to start. They are solemn, their eyes are focused, and they dare not have a slight scorn. Sloppy, I am afraid that a piece of ceramic large tile will have a little bit of damage and put a responsibility.
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