Some notes on how to use bricks correctly

Some notes on how to use bricks correctly

Bricks are often used for building walls or roads, so there are certain standards for their construction. Therefore, we have to install in strict accordance with its standard quality during construction.

The face should be clear, clean, simple, with edges and lines falling off. The shape, color, pattern and adsorption method are strictly designed and required for construction. The seam should be continuous, complete, complete, and tightly integrated; width and depth. The brick wall installation needs to meet the design requirements, the conditions need to be met, and the hollow construction must occur. It needs to be carefully inspected at any time, and it is not necessary to rework in time if it is not required. , Efflorescence, stains and significant damage. There is no leakage of the indoor paint corresponding to the clay brick project.

We know that after the standard time for brickwork construction, we must strictly follow the above operations. Don’t be careless and irresponsible by the construction staff. Cut the bricks into ordinary cement bricks, which will cause the bricks to undergo high temperature ratio after the construction effect. Fired, the quality will be better than ordinary cement bricks, and the bricks are more aesthetically pleasing than cement bricks, and the designed bricks are very appearance. In addition, everyone has to shop around when choosing brick factory craftsmanship.