Classification of clay | exterior wall terracotta cladding

Classification of clay | exterior wall terracotta cladding

Pottery clay is the main raw material for ceramic production. According to its nature, performance and color, it is customarily divided into three categories: upper nail mud, white mud, and tender mud. "", "mud in mud".
Huanglongshan Jiani mining area is located in the northwest part of Dingshu Town, Yixing. It is a comprehensive large-scale clay deposit consisting of Huanglongshan, Qinglongshan and Huanglongcun three mining sections. The B+C+D reserves are more than 2,700 tons. The production area of ​​nail mud, Xishan nail mud, purple sand mud, black mud and green mud. The ore bodies occur in the important mud strata of the Upper Basin System Five Groups and the Lower Lime System Lishan Formation, and are layered Tongxin mud. The upper part of the Wutong Formation is stable, and the thickness of the main ore body does not change much. The upper part of the Wutong Formation consists of 3-6 ore bodies with a total thickness of 41.94 meters and an average thickness of 6.99 meters. The occurrence of the ore body is consistent with the production state of the strata. The engineering control time length is greater than 3000 meters, and the oblique depth is more than 200 meters. At the bottom of Gaoli Mountain, there are 2-5 ore bodies with a total thickness of 30.24 meters and an average height of 6.05 meters. The ore bodies change normally.
The Wutong Formation is the ore-bearing horizon of Benshan Jiamu, Zisha mud, green mud, and red mud. The ore body is deeply buried without stone inclusions. The Gaolishan Formation is the ore-hosting layer of Dongshan Jiamu and Xishan Jiamu, and the ore body is relatively buried. Deep and shallow, but there are interlayers. The main mineral component of nail mud is hydromica, and it contains unequal amounts of kaolin, quartz, mica, etc., mostly purple and mortar. The silty siltstone and silty sand[3] The mudstone has a certain degree of drying plasticity. And the binding capacity, the blank is proportional to the mud temperature, the mud temperature range is wide, and the performance is excellent. It is the raw material for the production of large pottery and grouting products. [3]
White clay
Nanshan Baini mining area is located 3 kilometers south of Dingshu Town, Yixing. The Nanjing-Hangzhou Highway passes through the north side of the mining area and is convenient for land and water transportation. The mining area is composed of 3 to 4 white clay ore bodies. The ore bodies are layered and occur in the middle and lower quartz sandstones of the Upper Wutong Formation of the Devonian System. The middle ore bodies are generally healthy 2 to 3 meters, and the thickest. 7 meters, the thinnest is 0.3-0.5 meters, C+D grade storage is more than 100 tons, which is already high. The main mineral components of mud are hydromica, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, quartz and mica fragments, iron and so on.
Tender mud
The Xiangshan Nenni mining area is located 3 kilometers west of Dingshu Town, Yixing. The ore body is circular and occurs in the upper strata of the Upper Longtan Formation of the Second Member of the Peripheral System. It is a sedimentary weathered deposit, and the overlying strata are Quaternary alluvial strata. , 3-15 meters thick, lovely high-light crowd. Among them, the clay blue and brick red tender mud is 7.16 meters thick, the gray-white and purple-red strips are tender 2.88 meters thick, the purple-rice red and gray-white tender clay is 7.36 meters thick, and the other yellow dusty sandy shale is 3.15 meters thick. The average engineering thickness of the entire ore body is 7-9 meters, the control length is 1000 meters, and the width is 50-100 meters. The main mineral components of tender mud are hydromica, kaolinite, halloysite, and quartz, and the impurity components include iron and mica aeolian debris. Clay commonly used for pottery.
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