Some knowledge about clay terracotta panel

Some knowledge about clay terracotta panel

As a dry-hanging curtain wall material, clay terracotta panel first appeared in Europe in 1985. The design was inspired by a European architect’s cult of Chinese terracotta warriors and horses. The feeling of terracotta was transferred from the roof to the wall, and its unique earthenware texture. And the natural colors and lustre make the building look closer to the art of Chinese terracotta warriors and horses.

clay terracotta panel

However, the particularity of the clay terracotta panel manufacturing process has been given great creativity from production to application during its development. When clay terracotta panel are more embodied in the exterior design of buildings in the form of "plates", the form of their products has undergone many changes in response to the needs of the design. This is the difference between the ceramic board and other dry-hanging curtain wall materials.

The manufacturing process of clay terracotta panel originated from roof tiles. After entering the middle of the twentieth century, with the emergence of the concept of building envelopes, the application of light steel keel systems in construction has been rapidly developed; at the same time, it is used for Extrusion, drying, and firing machinery and equipment also tended to be modernized, technologically and automated with the development of the building ceramic industry during this period. During this period, the language of architectural design has also changed. The artistic expression technique tends to be more retro, and the architectural skin technology tends to carry human civilization and the history of the city. In order to meet the development requirements of architectural design, manufacturers of ceramic plates have produced various products according to their own technological characteristics.

The production method of the clay terracotta panel is to mix the clay with water in different proportions to form a clay shape similar to that used for sculpture, and then extrude the desired product mud embryo through a high-tonnage vacuum extruder through a well-designed die outlet. After evaporation of water through drying equipment similar to natural air drying, it is finally fired in a high-temperature kiln over 1000°C.