Large sized terracotta panels  market looks attractive

Large sized terracotta panels  market looks attractive

Large sized terracotta panels  market looks attractive

In Togen's view, no matter how well the large sized terracotta panels the architectural aesthetics, it can reduce the collage and seams, highlight the natural texture of the stone, restore the simplicity and generosity of the space, and at the same time reduce the dirt and dirt, and facilitate cleaning and maintenance. Less contrary to the national development strategy of energy conservation and consumption reduction, not to mention the large investment in the production and sale of large sized terracotta panels .

    First, there is a need to build a large investment in terracotta panels. Large sized terracotta panels  have special requirements for presses, kiln, inkjet machines, glaze lines and other equipment. Building terracotta enterprises must reinvest or comprehensively reform their large sized terracotta panels . Such large-scale operations require investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. If all imported or most imported equipment is used, it will require an investment of up to 200 million yuan.

    Second, it requires a large investment from the dealer. In the transportation, handling, paving and other aspects, large sized terracotta panels  are much higher than traditional terracotta panels, so the cost will also rise. Dealers selling large sized terracotta panels  seem to sell at a high price, but the cost of transportation, handling and paving is actually very limited.

    This is not the conclusion that Togen reasoned to reason, but the fact learned from the interviewed dealers during the China Paneltek research process. Dealers involved in large sized terracotta panels  mostly said in an interview with China Terracotta Network that the large sized terracotta panels  market looks attractive, but it is not easy to do. The transportation, handling and paving methods are still immature, resulting in high sales costs.
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