Another advantage of terracotta rainscreen systems

Another advantage of terracotta rainscreen systems

Another advantage of terracotta rainscreen systems

Another advantage of terracotta rainscreen systems is that they do not use grout or sealants such as silicone, thus avoiding the excessive number of joints associated with precast concrete panels. 
This greatly reduces the need for maintenance and also makes for an easier installation process that can be performed in all weather conditions.
 In this case, a terracotta veneer is bonded onto large precast concrete units. 
These systems are ideal for architects who are simultaneously looking for the strength of a precast concrete construction as well as the flexible design, profile and finish options offered by terracotta facing. 
The upfront costs of precast concrete panels are typically less than rainscreen applications. However, many other costs will arise as you will have to maintain the joints between the concrete panels.
 Lehmann urges that if you have the budgetary flexibility, terracotta rainscreens are a shrewd investment that preclude unpredictable costs in the future.
As showcased in Architizer’s collection, “Fired Up: 5 Textured Buildings With Terracotta Screens,” terracotta is commonly harnessed to create lightweight brise soleils façades. Creating an open, permeable barrier, products like Paneltek terracotta’s terracotta baguette will allow you to achieve this effect. These systems are composed of ceramic pipes with square, circular or oblong cross-sections.
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